Finished Work and Taking a Break


Ha, my neck is feeling much better. And I am sure that all your kind words after my last post have helped a lot! I was able to work on these Holiday Card designs. Not happy with them yet…

September is always a busy month at the Walker residence. There is the garden to clean up and other ‘stuff’ to finish in around the house, paperwork to sort out, places to go and friends to entertain.

So I am taking a little break from blogging ( snif) and I will miss you all terribly until my return here in blog space in a couple of weeks.  

Take care and stay safe!

Love and Peace, Johanna

30 thoughts on “Finished Work and Taking a Break

  1. I’ll miss you, but enjoy your break. I’ll be taking a little break as well when daughter Dee comes for a visit next week. LOVE the dog with the cup.

  2. It sounds a really busy time, but I hope you will squeeze in a little rest and lots of time with people you love, family and Charley ( the real VIP) ! I love all your fabulous drawings and I think Charley with her nose in a Christmas cup is just perfect!
    Take care of yourself and maybe in the time you are away I might just have time to catch up with all your posts and my blog!
    Peace and Love….Karen x

  3. You’re taking a break? But what about my needs?! I’ll miss you–I hope you don’t stay away too long . . . but do have a good time and come back refreshed. Looking forward to seeing more of your fall and winter drawings! (Is that Charley with her face in the mug? Isn’t she the one who thinks my Gigi behaves badly?!)

  4. oh, looking at those cards gives me the holiday feeling! I’m glad your neck is feeling better. Hoping your September will be happy and productive. Looking forward to all the great drawings, photos and projects when you come back

  5. Wow!Superb drawings rich in colour and filled with happiness!You brought Christmas earlier dear Johanna;loved them all!Glad your neck is better!Enjoy your break my friend!
    Sending Love,Happiness & Peace your way:) ❤ ~ and last but not least,a big hug to Charley 🙂 x

  6. I shall just tip-toe through ever so softly then. Oh wait, maybe I’ll stop to admire your bed linens, LOL. Now off I go, enjoy! xox K Oh wait, must say hello to Charley and pass along a hug…..ok, now off I go. xo

  7. For when you come back: I have nominated you for the Infinity Dreams Award. Please take this nomination as an appreciation from me for your blog, but if you would like to participate, I will like to read your answers. Enjoy your break!

  8. Oh gosh, I’m glad that I found a moment to drop in, even if it is right before you take a bit of a break!
    Love the puppy with his face in the mug!
    Enjoy your time away 🙂

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