New Years Resolutions and Sketchbook Project

schetsboek1001Midsummer has passed, so time for me to check on how I am doing with my New Years Resolutions. Well not too shabby, me thinks, even with my exercise program! 


But I am still slacking when it comes to using my sketchbook more…So I studied different books on the subject and I liked this one best. It encouraged me to start a Sketch Journal. I opened this post with an image of my first page, which clearly states the purpose of this journal ( as recommended by the book) and I will commit myself to use it once a week and show it here.


Here some sketches of one of my summer favorites : honey bees…because I am a honey monster ;o) I eat honey on my toast, pancakes, stir fry dishes, scones and much, much more. And the full moon on Midsummer was called the honeymoon

This photo is from last year. This is a bumble bee another summer favorite of mine. You can read the funny story attached to it here.

Juni alweer! T jaar half om , dus maar es kijken naar de goede voornemens van januari.
Niet zo slecht, zelfs meer beweging/sport gaat aardig goed. Alleen t gebruik van een schetsboek…oei! Dus ik heb mijzelf verplicht om 1x per week een bladzijde in mijn spiksplinternieuw schetsboek te doen en hier te posten.

Love and Liefs, Johanna

65 thoughts on “New Years Resolutions and Sketchbook Project

  1. I always love looking at your sketches 🙂 they always look gorgeous, and so inspiring! I must confess that I have secretly reproduced a couple of your sketches in my sketchbook previously – for my eyes only 🙂

  2. Oh, YAY! I posted recently about this book too! 💖💕🎨 Great minds think alike! 😊 I love your nature sketches, Johanna! And I remember your sweet story too! xo

  3. I love the sketch of the foxgloves and the skep and the bees. And I remember your little bumblebee bomber from last year. It was nice to see that photo again!

    • Some photos are just nice to show again, right? And you taught me a new word: skep! I like that word. Thanks, Lisa, for being lovely as always!!! I hope, you feel better by now and your virus has disappeared!

  4. Sketch Journal sounds looser and more relaxed than a SketchBook. I am sure you’ll keep current with it. I like the summer pictures. It will be fun watching the seasons change through your sketches. Good luck.

    • Interesting Genevieve, English is my second you can tell undoubtedly by my sloppy grammar and spelling. I wonder if I should change my page name. I miss that ‘fell’ for words, if you know what I mean? I think I will chnage that name of that page! Thank you and a big hug for my favorite Cupcake!!!

  5. Johanna, this is such a cool sketchbook! A great idea. I love the bee story. Great photo. The bee looks like it’s coming in for a landing. Is that Charlie as a pup?

    • I was so happy to have an excuse to show of that bumble bee photo again ;o) It took forever that get that hovering little bear properly in front of the camera. The little dog in the photo is Luca, a feisty black and tan Jack Russell. She had a heart condition but still was our good friend for 14 years! My youngest son is 4 in the photo…and almost 22 now. And thank you for your lovely compliment!

    • I was so happy to have an excuse to show of that bumble bee photo again ;o) It took forever that get that hovering little bear properly in front of the camera. Thank you!!

  6. Fabulous your sketches Jahanna!Joyfull,colourful and filled with scenes from ordinary life.I love honey as much as you do,I use it everywhere exceedingly.I’ll be looking forward to your weekly sketches,that’s a brilliant idea to display it here,every week.Take care,dear friend 🙂 xxx

  7. I know this and you know this–if you stick to this resolution, you will be SO happy and rewarded and you’ll only wish you started sooner! You have a great start here–my favorite detail is that little bunny in the honeymoon–I want to turn that into a little embroidery!

  8. How delightful it would be for your sketches to one day find themselves in a book of your very own. So enjoy seeing your sketches and other work. Love that bumble bee!

    • I can highly recommend that book. I just ordered a pile of books on the subject from the library and the end I liked this one best and bought it. I think it will help to stay on track…

  9. Big hello Johanna from Paris, France. The Mr and I travel this week and I’m afraid it’s all about spoiling right now. No matter, back to reality soon enough. For now, “Viva la France!” ha!
    I’m so enchanted with your art today! I myself just purchased (in Greenwich, UK) a whimsical piece of remanent for a mere 2 pounds, called Bee Garden. At this shop, which I loved so so much. Take a peek, I think you might too. It’s called Lush.

    I plan to frame it for my sitting room when home again. I’m actually a little homesick tonight. I miss the familiar and of course Petals and Blossum. How’s sweet Charley? Boomdee’s daydreaming about a gentle tummy rub session. (For Charley, not me, LOL) I think we’d both lay on the carpet and I’d tell her all about my day too 😀 ❤

    Before leaving home, my climbing rose was in full bloom with Bumble Bee's dancing flower to flower. I could watch them all day. Your photo is totally wonderful! If you're on Instagram, you can visit my page via, 'Petals Daye' to see my sweet bee's. Are you on Instagram too? xo K

    • Oh in Paris!!! Ohlalalala, you lucky girl! And before that in England…I expect detailed report on your blog soon!! Charley is doing well and i will post her photo tomorrow. Looooove the fabric! I am not on instagram…yet. I am debating if I can handle more social media ;o) Safe journey home, dear friend, and thanks for your fabulous visit xoxoxox

  10. Your post reminded me to check where I am with my own resolutions for this year-and it was a pleasant surprise that I have accomplished more than I thought 🙂 -it is a great exercise indeed for keeping track. And I am going to check out the book you show above. I have tried without success to start art journals and sketch books, but just have not found the right combination-so this bears a look-Thank you Johanna!

  11. What a cool post! I really enjoyed reading it. I’ve just finished a piece on New Years resolutions and I must say that you’re one of the few who are really handling them properly 🙂 Keep it up!

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